
Thank you for visiting Please read the following information before contacting us. is a privately owned and funded website and does not officially represent Tottenham as a community in the Town of New Tecumseth, Ontario.

To suggest a business for inclusion in the directory please include the following:
- Business Name.
- Contact Name (we do not post contact names).
- Business Address (must be located within 10 kilometers of Tottenham, Ontario).
- Business Phone Number.
- Business Website and/or Email Address if available (we do not post email addresses).
- Category most appropriate for business suggested (if it does not exist please suggest one).
- Additional business information you feel is relevant.

Please note:
We reserve the right to decide what businesses to include in our directory and make no guarantee your submission will be accepted.

Time from submission to inclusion may vary, and please do not submit a business more than once.

To remove a business listing please include the following:
- Business Name.
- Contact Name and Position.
- Phone Number.
- Email Address.

To contact the Town of New Tecumseth visit:



Submit message or content below:

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Copyright © 2010 - 2024 This is not an official site for Tottenham, Ontario.
